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Spanishland School Podcast: Learn Spanish Tips That Improve Your Fluency in 10 Minutes or Less

Sep 19, 2024

SE in Spanish! Why do we say SE ME cayó, SE LE olvidó, SE NOS perdió? - This is one of the trickiest topics for Spanish students. SE can be used in 6 different ways, but today we are going to focus on the ACCIDENTAL SE

It's the SE that we add to some verbs to show that the action happened by accident.

📄 Descarga el PDF de los 10 verbos con Accidental SE y los ejemplos aquí

📽️ VIDEO about the 4 different types of verbs 

💬Deja un comentario diciéndome qué fue algo que SE TE DAÑÓ o SE TE PERDIÓ recientemente.💗